1 LikeNew MySQL Authentication Change Will Break Things!By Gary Wright II in the group Geek Food22 days ago56 viewsMySQLDBAdatabaseSQLA new change in MySQL v9.0 to authentication is going to cause a lot of headaches for system administrators.
1 LikeTagalog Language ResourcesBy Gary Wright II in the group Philippines19 Sep 202182 viewsPhilippinesPHFilipinoTagaloglanguagehttps://www.tagalog.com/ - Tagalog.com has lots of great free resources for learning the Filipino language.
1 LikeKnow Your Rights guide by National Lawyers Guild NLGBy Gary Wright II in the group Activism Resources19 Sep 2021150 viewsNational Lawyers GuildNLGKnow Your Rightslaw enforcementpolicecopsFBIHomeland SecurityLegalwww.nlg.org - The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) has produced an excellent pocket-sized Know Your Rights guide in multiple languages for those who encounter law enforcement (especially FBI and Department of Homeland Security).