1 LikeNew MySQL Authentication Change Will Break Things!By Gary Wright II in the group Geek Food22 days ago56 viewsMySQLDBAdatabaseSQLA new change in MySQL v9.0 to authentication is going to cause a lot of headaches for system administrators.
1 LikeMariaDBBy Gary Wright II in the group Geek Food9 Dec 2018123 viewsmysqlmariadbdatabaseSQLopen sourcehttps://mariadb.org/ - MariaDB is an open source replacement for MySQL database.
1 LikeLibreOfficeBy Gary Wright II in the group Geek Food9 Dec 201856 viewsofficedocumentsspreadsheetpresentationmathdiagramsoftwareopen sourcewww.libreoffice.org - Open source office suite of programs: document editor, spreadsheet, presentations, math formulas, database, diagram and drawing applications.