1 LikeList of Lawsuits Against Trump Executive OrdersBy Gary Wright II in the group Activism Resources18 days ago12 viewslegalcourts`Trumpwww.courtwatch.news - Court Watch has assembled a list of all of the lawsuits against Trump's Executive Orders. It's already quite a list.
Comments1 1 LikeThe American DreamBy Gary Wright II in the group Activism Resources2 Apr 20221K viewsSCOTUSUSASupreme CourtDemocracyRepublicHistoryThe American Dream relies on all three branches of government to uphold the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, as well as all case law.
1 LikeStress & Addiction🧪By Gary Wright II in the group Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment4 Feb 2022851 viewsstresssubstance abuseTHCCBDalcoholalcoholismHPA AxisChronic stress (which we all have) + a deficient HPA axis = a biochemical recipe both addiction and metabolic disorders!