1 LikeHome Bound: Making the Case for Renovations Over RelocationBy Abilitator3 Jun 2024299 viewsrelocationcareeradvicerenovationsdisabilityDeciding whether to invest in home improvements or to pack up and move to a new house is a significant choice that impacts not just your lifestyle but also your financial health.
Comments1 1 LikeThe American DreamBy Gary Wright II in the group Activism Resources2 Apr 2022971 viewsSCOTUSUSASupreme CourtDemocracyRepublicHistoryThe American Dream relies on all three branches of government to uphold the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, as well as all case law.
2 LikesThe Rebuild: Jobs, jobs, jobs of the future!By Gary Wright II17 Jun 2017286 viewsjobsemploymentfuturevirtual realityVRgeeksdevelopersprogrammersopen-sourceeconomyThe best jobs are going to be technology related, but there are some tech jobs that can be done by people with little tech skills.