All Site Activity

    • Gary Wright II
      Creating Alternate Worlds - Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), we're able to "teach" computers to generate realistic derivatives of things that already exist. The website "This X does not exist" highlights many fascinating...
      • Gary Wright II
        Webb Space Telescope's First Images - 🤯🤯🤯
        • Gary Wright II
          in the group Geek Food
          Windows 11 Hack - You can't move windows between virtual desktops directly yet (AFAIK), but you can open the Task View and then move applications to the desired desktop from there. First, open “Task View” [Win+Tab key] and focus the desktop with...
          • Gary Wright II
            Jellyfin Media Server - I've been waiting for a feature-rich open source/free solution! Here's a tutorial on how to use Jellyfin with a Raspberry Pi, but you can also install it on other...
            • Gary Wright II
              Tapping Out! Last week while I was playing with a 7 year old, the kid said a phrase that I am going to surely adopt. The kid said, "I am no longer willing to accept this challenge!" which reminded me to only focus my efforts and attention to where I...
              • Gary Wright II
                Apathy is KILLING us literally! In the last election cycle, my current home county of Marshall County, Alabama had 76.6% of registered voters choose NOT to exercise their sacred right to vote. That's 50,000 voices being silent while so many other...
                • Gary Wright II
                  in the group Geek Food
                  su vs. sudo - Since converting all of my servers to Ubuntu, I mostly use sudo. But there are advantages/disadvantages to both commands. Do you know the difference between the usage of the two? Here's one opinion, but choose which works best for your...
                  • Gary Wright II
                    in the group Geek Food
                    Geek Food 🖥️: More years ago than I'd like to admit, Bruce Eckel with "Thinking in Java" got me started with #Java. But tech and programming languages evolve, and I've migrated all but one app from Java to #Python. "Thinking in Python" is on my...
                    • Gary Wright II
                      "Sand Batteries" are brilliant! 🤯 The planet has no shortage of sand, and through research scientists will reduce the 100 ton requirement per silo. Storing heat with sand is an example of a green energy strategy using existing...
                      • Gary Wright II
                        in the group Geek Food
                        Quantum Physics - Neutrons and protons are made of three quarks each that are "ordinary" matter, but there are tetraquarks and pentaquarks that are "exotic" matter. The way they decay is special, so a new theory of physics is now...
                        • Gary Wright II
                          "How to be Hopeless" by Carlos Maza is something everyone should bookmark, and then find an hour of time to watch and think about. He talks about the book "Plague" by Albert Camus, but with modern day comparisons. Brilliant and...
                          • Gary Wright II
                            in the group Activism Resources
                            Books UnBanned 🇺🇸 - The Brooklyn Public Library through a teen-led initiative is giving every teen in the USA free access to all of the banned books. The banned list of texts also makes a great reading list for finding Black and LGBTQ+ authors and...
                            • Gary Wright II
                              Gary Wright II created the group Struggler
                              The official social networking group for Struggler™
                              • Struggler
                                The official website of Struggler™!
                                • Gary Wright II
                                  Gary Wright II published a blog post Series Dedication in the group Leelah!
                                  The animated series "Leelah!" is dedicated to the real Leelah in hopes of fulfilling her last wish, but is not related to her life.
                                  • Abilitator
                                    Abilitator published a blog post Tips for an Effortless Move to Anderson
                                    Helpful tips for an effortless move to Anderson, South Carolina.
                                    • Gary Wright II
                                      As Exhibit A to support my proclamation that Stray Kids is the best boy band EVER in history, here's Slump recorded by The F1rst Take (which if you've never been in a recording studio, you have no idea the terror/talent involved in a one take...
                                      • Gary Wright II
                                        in the group Computer Graphics & Animation
                                        The HUMAN realistic 3D portrait courses using Blender by Kent Trammel at CG Cookie are incredible!
                                        • Gary Wright II
                                          in the group Geek Food
                                          Geek Food - My productivity relies on automation of things. I love #Python and I use Anaconda daily. Here's a great tutorial on how to build a 🐍CLI app to get weather reports that's good for beginners or those coming from another programming...
                                          • Gary Wright II
                                            Chronic stress (which we all have) + a deficient HPA axis = a biochemical recipe both addiction and metabolic disorders!
                                            • Gary Wright II
                                              Granite Recovery Centers has published information on how the consumption of alcohol affects your immune system.
                                              • Gary Wright II
                                                This #VeteransDay is the first since the end of 20 year unwinnable war in Afghanistan: 2,401 military deaths (1,921 from hostile action). 20,752 wounded in action. 18 CIA operatives killed. 1,822 civilian contractor deaths. Over $2.3 TRILLION was...
                                                • Gary Wright II
                                                  "8 Struggles of Being a Highly Intelligent Person" - OMG This 7 minute video explains so much! It will help you better understand yourself, as well as others who have these problems. #MentalHealth...
                                                  • Gary Wright II
                                                    Self-Care: Catastrophizing - It's the source of much of my anxiety. As an engineer, our minds are supposed to imagine every possible outcome and prepare for them. But in life, that's overwhelming and self-destructive. Please pay attention to mental...
                                                    • Gary Wright II
                                                      in the group Geek Food
                                                      Geek Food - One of my favorite new features in Python v3.10 is structural pattern matching. Very powerful! 🤯 PEP636 is a good tutorial on how to use it: